Data Science at Visa; A Variety of Analytics Roles

While Analytics and Data Science careers seem ubiquitous, they are not. Companies use data in many different ways to move their business forward. This breadth of applications affords students many options when choosing a career path. This presentation will provide an overview of the different ways in which Visa uses data to help Visa and their clients. We will focus on the different analytic roles at Visa that result from this diverse use of data. This will provide the audience with a good understanding of the types of roles they may expect at a financial services company. After describing the roles we will look at the different aspects of these roles. Each role requires different skills and offers different career experiences. Understanding the opportunities and trade-offs among these roles is important for selecting a career path that matches your skills and personal interests. Finally, we will conclude with tips on selecting that first job and insights on succeeding when you land it!

Session Time


Janine Johnson

Janine Johnson

Vice President, Visa Predictive Models



Janine has over 20 years of experience in a variety of analytic and data science roles. Her experience includes marketing analytics, visualization and dashboard development, non-linear modeling for loss prediction, graph theory for fraud detection, consulting analytics, and predictive modeling for product development. Janine currently leads a data science team at Visa whose mission is to unleash the power of transaction data by applying AI/ML algorithms to derive predictive insights that will help Visa clients grow and improve their business. The role of this team almost requires the team members to be full-stack data scientists, handling all aspects of product development from building the model to writing enterprise quality code for deployment. The competencies required for this team to be successful are very different than the competencies required for other roles such as data visualization or consulting analytics. Drawing upon past experience and a variety of roles, Janine’s presentation will provide an overview of Data Science at Visa as well as walk you through how these different roles can influence your career.

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